American Revolutionaries… It is Time to Dance

“One Nation Under Socialism” by Artist Jon McNaughton


These Are the Times That Try Men’s Souls

“If there
must be trouble, let it be in my day, that my child may have peace”
Thomas Paine 1776

These are TRULY the times that try men’s souls. It it not hard to see and understand
that we are facing the same tyranny that our forefathers faced over two and a
quarter centuries ago. Unless we revert back to their ideology, their
attitude, and their willingness to act BEFORE it is to late, then unlike them,
we will crumble! We will succumb entirely to the tyranny of these evil
administrators, these powers in high places. We will relinquish freedom for security
and effectually prove that we deserve neither!  Unless American’s who still believe
in the BASIS for which we were foundedmake a choice to stand up now and demand
accountability of our “leaders” and restoration of the founding principles of the Greatest Nation
the world has ever known, then we will cease as a Nation built upon the Liberty
of the Human Soul.

There are soldiers dying to protect the freedom of a people who
are no longer free.  One of the missions of this site, this organization of Revolutionaries,
Restorationists, Believers, Missionaries, Oathkeepers, Three Percenters, and Christians
is to expose the lies, tear down the illusion of freedom, and restore the founding principles
of our Nation. Principles, like it or not, that are based on Judeo-Christian fundamentals and morals.
Many of our friends are non-believers, followers of different faiths, and some still seeking.
Not all of the founding fathers were Christians, however, we ALL agree, just as they did, that this
Nation was built on the foundation of Judeo-Christian morals and the blood of men and women
who desired Liberty. Some of which were not Christian, yet they KNEW the importance thereof!

We can no longer turn a blind eye to the subversive tactics and ideologies the ruling powers
of this Country, and even the whole world, have instituted in the name of social dependency.
The United Nations, NATO, the Globalists, Elite Bankers, and other powerful
organizations have committed a great atrocity. We, as a people, no longer turn to our brothers and
sisters when we are in need. We no longer offer a helping hand when our neighbor is in need.
We instead turn to the government. After all, we are entitled to the help they offer, right? They take
money from our paycheck to pay for the social programs that offer us security in exchange for
a litle freedom. Maybe it’s time to stand up and NOT let them control us anymore! And THAT
is where it begins! With you and I realizing, and understanding, that we are SUBJECTS of a
royal world government that gains more and more control wioth every passing day. And as we
expose the illusion of freedom, we must then make another realization. We must realize that only
one thing will stop them. Only one thing will make us truly free again. Only one thing will reinstate
Liberty for our childrens future. Revolution.

revolution in the way we think, in the ways we treat one another, and in the way we raise our
children. A Revolution to put God back in America again! A revolution to RESTORE what our
founding fathers gave to us. As Dr. Benjamin Franklin left the Constitutional Convention in 1787,
he was approached by a Mrs. Powell, who asked him,
“What have you given us, Dr. Franklin?”
“A republic madam,”  he replied, “if you can keep it.”

We have lost our Constitutional Republic folks. It has been replaced by a Social Democracy.
And now, We the People MUST stand up and fight. That is a FACT, because the powers that be
will NOT just give it back. Just as our forefathers had to stand up with a mere three percent of
the population in the colonies and fight, so must we. Only, this time, it is not the Crown nor the King.
Our battle is against something much bigger. It is against men who sit in high places, with no need of
a crown or a sceptre. They control the men with the crowns and the sceptres. This is a physical AND a
spiritual battle and the fight must take place on both battlefields.

Ephesians 6:12 (KJV)
12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against
principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this
world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

The Crown of England is no longer the opposition. The Crown of this tyrannical,
over-sized,  wild and unchecked United States Government IS the travesty eating
away at the soul of a Nation. The god of these tyrants is Mammon, and his apostles
sit in the highest places upon this world. They sit in the UN, and in the banks, and in
the insurance companies. They control the assets that keep society in need of their
Oligarchy. As long as the people receive their “sandwich”, the people will obey.

The liberal notion that traditional value must be
banned and outlawed so that “alternative” ideologies might be exalted is
devastating this Country that we love
, and this Constitution that we
defend. There is no coexistence with a people who continually remove our rights
in order to exhalt their beliefs and immoralities. Have you ever noticed how intolerant
others become when you disagree with liberal and socialist ideology? Well it is past
time to demonstrate intolerance against those who say traditional American values
must be destroyed. It is time to rise in the spirit of our forefathers and make it known, “Not on my watch! ”
If the men and women who founded this nation could come together, then why is it so
hard for us? They were Christians, Agnostics, and even Atheists!

Patrick Henry declared: “It cannot be emphasized too strongly
or too often  that this great nation was founded, not by religionists, but by
Christians; not  on religions, but on the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
 For this very
reason peoples of  other faiths have been afforded asylum, prosperity, and
freedom of worship  here.”

Henry was right. It was precisely
because  our nation was founded upon the Rock of Christ that America became a
haven of  liberty and an asylum for so many of the persecuted and downtrodden of
our  world.

It was not a coalition of gods that brought our Pilgrim
forefathers to this continent. It was not a coalition of settlers (Hindus,
Muslims, and Christians) that brought the open Bible to the shores of this
great  land to establish a government based on the Law of God, and whose mission
was to  advance the Gospel of Christ. It was Jesus Christ Himself who brought
the tiny  Mayflower safely to the shores of this land, and it was the blessing
of Jesus  Christ Himself that made our nation great !

The Death of “Whitey” and the Rise of Superior Hatred… Why Trayvon is Important and Little Suzy Is Not!

Hate Crimes. We hear this term a lot lately. We hear about hate crimes against blacks, gays, and against other minorities, however, we seem to hear less about hate crimes against Whites, attacks solely based on being white. Many of you will stop reading after that last statement, but I encourage to you to continue.
Ponder this question, when was the last time you heard of a conviction or even an arrest made concerning a person who injured or murdered someone because they are white? Some of you will say “well, that’s because white people are not usually targeted because of race!” Because of the Main Stream Liberal Bias of todays media outlets, you would seem justified in that statement. However, that idea could not be further from the truth!
The facts concerning this matter are contrary to the statistics, simply because the Justice Department downsizes the actual number of crimes listed as a”hate crime”. In fact, the media will almost always mention these types of crimes with only a glancing blow. The hype of  stories such as the Trayvon Martin case gains not only National Media attention, but because of the media spin on these cases, and failure to report facts consistantly, they cause outrage! While crimes against the dreaded white devil go unnoticed.
An example would be the photo of a 13 year old Trayvon Martin with innocent childlike eyes, when in fact, their are more recent photographs of the 190 lb, six feet two inch man with tattoos and gold teeth. Now that alone does not constitute a bad individual, yet the media, by overlooking (intentionally) this much more recent image, has geared the public toward a sympathetic juxtaposition of innocense destroyed and resentment for the one that destroyed it. As we are seeing with this present outrage, calling for the “justifiable” eye for an eye murder of George Zimmerman, the media’s grasp on the public mind is convenient at the least.
Here is an example of media leading the charge by manipulation:

Do you see it?
Can you now fathom how public outrage is derived from false representation by media outlets in order to “sell” news? There was a time in America when News was News, it didn’t have to be sold. Good reporting sold itself! Well, as an old saying goes, “the times, they are a changin’…”
Let’s have a look at what the media bias has EXCLUDED from sensationalizing. Let’s expose what real hate crime looks like, but has been washed over because it concerns non-minority, non-special interest individuals. Let’s take, for example, this atrocity, this mother’s worst nightmare. Let’s find the outrage and join the plight of Melissa Coon and her 13 year old son who was doused in gasoline and set on fire.
The teenager, who suffered first degree burns to his face and hands, is white and his two attackers black.
His mother Melissa Coon said the attackers told her son ‘This is what you deserve. You get what you deserve, white boy’.
After being followed home from school by two black teenage boys, cornered on his own front porch, and was blatantly and HATEFULLY set on fire as he fought to get inside…
This incident occurred a merely a few days after the falsely identified “hate crime” of Trayvon Martin…

Where is the outrage? Where is the mainstream media attention? WHERE IS THE JUSTICE FOR THIS YOUNG MAN AND HIS FAMILY who were attacked SOLELY for being white?
This is truly a tragedy of horrific proportion, placed on the back burner so that the news of Trayvon Martin’s death would ignite the passion of minority and minority sympathies everywhere.
Read more: 13 year old boy set ablaze by racially motivated attack

What about the case of the U.S. Marine & his Wife being attacked by a Black Mob at a Movie Theater?  When an unruly mob of black teens stormed he and his wife outside after he asked them to “please keep the noise down” he was verbally assaulted and called flagrant racial slurs. So loudly in fact, the theater manager had to make the group leave. But, they didn’t leave. They waited for the couple outside, and ambushed them… What ensued next was somehow not seen by the mainstream as a hate crime.
The 27 year old Marine, Federico Freire, home on leave from Afghanastan began to question, “What are we fighting for?”

Read more: Large group of Black Teens attack US Marine and Wife, civil rights denied for Hero

And what about John Sanderson? A Mississippi State University freshman was shot dead inside Evans Hall dorm, and outside of a dorm room last night. Three Black males fled the scene in a blue, late model Crown Victoria. Police say they have a “person of interest,” and that person is one of the three suspects. A weapon has been “recovered,” but perhaps not concretely identified as the gun that was used in the murder. Mr. Sanderson was shot multiple times. He lived about thirty minutes after arriving at the hospital. This is the first death of an MSU student on the campus.

I mention this one for a particular reason. In several precedents prior to this incident, when two or three persons of one race or affiliation, attacked a single person of another race or affiliation, when the aggressors have been white, the hate crime laws were not only implied by the media, but also applied by law enforcement. Such should be the case here is Justice is truly blind, one would think?

A good question to ask, will the New Black Panther Party issue death warrants for John’s killers? Will they pursue Justice for John? We will get to that shortly…

More on this story: Three Black men rob and murder white male student

Then theres the story of Paul W. Halperin. A 67 year old elderly man who was beaten to death in his home by two black women. Lakeisha Jean McWay, 19, and Shaniqua Shuntay Shelton, 18, in connection with the death. Once again, a single white victim targeted by 2 black assailants. An the racial aspect of the crime covered up by the mainstream media, and the police department.

More on this story: Two Black women beat elderly white man to death

And what about this Hate Crime you never heard about?

While the crime was covered locally, the national press completely ignored the story, and no hate crimes charges were brought against the assailants, though the only motivation in the crime seemed to be racism.

The victim is white and the attackers were black.

On August 18, 2009, Brian Milligan Jr., 18, was walking home when he was attacked at the corner of Genesee Street and Floss Avenue, by a group of young black men. In addition to being punched and kicked, Milligan’s attackers hit him in the back of the head with a brick.

Amazingly, despite his severe injuries, Milligan managed to stumble the remaining five blocks to his house where he collapsed.

His father, Brian Milligan Sr. told a WGRZ reporter: “I mean, I couldn’t believe that a human can lose so much blood and walk home for five blocks. It didn’t even look like my son.” Two of his attackers, as brutal as their motive and the attack itself, were later sentenced to a mere 6 years each, while a third 12 year old attacker is protected by the juvenile statues. Police and prosecuters stated that there “just wasn’t enough evidence to charge the young men with a hate crime.”

You be the judge. Looking at this photo, and the circumstances involved, was it NOT a hate crime?

Read More: Young white male beaten by racist blacks  for dating a black female

Another instance  of racial hatred is this attack on a 16-year-old boy from West Seattle who was held hostage and beaten for hours, all because of the color of his skin. Shane McClellan says two men kicked and whipped him at gunpoint – and told him they singled him because he is white. The incident happened as Shane McClellan was walking home from a birthday party at a friend’s house Tuesday around 2 a.m. Shane says two men called to him from the top of a staircase near the intersection of 14th Avenue SW and SW Holden Street. The men asked for a light, and when Shane walked over to oblige, they knocked him to the ground and started kicking him.

One of the men held a gun against the back of his head and burned his neck with cigarettes.
At one point they shoved McClellan’s face into a hole with the gun against his head. They also urinated on him and poured beer over him.
“What he told me, when they were beating him with the belt, they were saying, ‘I don’t like white people,'” says Shane’s father, Tim McClellan.

One of Shane’s attackers was later arrested and was sentenced to what amounts to a slap on the wrist for such a heinous racially motivated hate crime…  SIX YEARS

More here: The Hate Crimes against Shane McClelland

UPDATE HERE: One of Shane McClellan’s attackers pleads guilty, gets just under six years behind bars for West Seattle attack

There are hundreds, if not THOUSANDS, of stories similar to these that I could continue to write about. And I wish I had the time and a staff to expose them all. For for purposed of this article, these will be appropriate. (Anyone wanting to post links to other instances, please, leave a comment with the link and or commentary included…)

The truth of the matter concerning “HATE CRIMES” the FBI and DOJ report that nearly 70% of hate crimes are perpetrated by white individuals against black individuals. This cannot be further from the truth. Eric holder has blindsided the original intent of hate crime legislation that was meant to protect all from racial or otherwise discriminatory bias. He, and others including the NAACP, the New Black Panthers, and MANY state attorney’s and lawmakers have painted hate crime legislation as a two toned bravado of protection under a distinct racial bias… White over black.

Crimes committed by black individuals against white individuals have overwhelmingly not been prosecuted by District Attorneys and the Justice Department. It is a nationwide travesty of magnificent proportion. Time and time again, we see white offenders being targeted by this legislation when there is absolutely no evidence to support it. The mere act of a crime committed by a white person against the property or well-being of a “minority” is in many cases all that is needed for charges of “by way of hate crime” to be administered by the state, and used in sentencing.

One must draw a conclusion that there are several reasons for this travesty. Some might believe it is because of the vast amount of ‘minority directed” federal moneys granted to states in order to help the black community. If the black community is being painted as a targeted race by white hatred, then more federal money to help the minority is passed down to that effect. Also, the NAACP seems to have cornered the market on media sympathy to advance their own agenda of racism based on poverty. Many of the so-called “civil rights activists” have drawn a boundary when it comes to any and all “white” civil rights. It is exclusionary to say the least, and racially biased against whites to be completely accurate.

Furthermore, to be totally frank concerning this, a racially motivated cover story concerning white on black violence is a lot more appealing to the liberal news media, as it garners a viewership almost instantly by those on the far left. The staunch liberals who covet the black vote, and cater to the poverty agenda.

By empowering “civil rights” leaders to be the strong arm of the poor, black, beaten down victims of white America, the media gains unprecedented and even totalitarian style  admiration of over half the American population. As history has taught us, tragedy is news, and the plight of beaten down black in America is a tragedy worth selling.

The truth however, lies in the dishonesty of Black “leaders” such as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Quanel X, Mikhail Muhammed, and the New Black Panther Party. They instill a beaten down philosophy that the “white man , blond hair blue eyed devil” is keeping them down. They breed this stubborn, tired, entitlement ideology and use that same old enemy,the white race, to oppress their own people by building a facade of oppression that is greatly exaggerated. Will I deny that there is hatred, racism, prejudicial preference in this world? ABSOLUTELY NOT! By their OWN ADMISSION, these black leaders HATE white people, are RACIST in believing that only their race is worthy to excel, and are prejudiced by their own belief system, usage of affirmative action legislation, and black only businesses, schools, educational assistance programs, community organizers who keep their own people down in order to make a fat living off the backs of their own people.

So, to put it quite simply, these black leaders are not leaders at all. They are cannibals! They destroy and consume their own people by taking knowledge away from them, and replacing it with entitlement ideology, hate speech, and iconic leaders who portray arrogance rather than genuine humanitarian concern. Their people are apathetic in their own minds.

So why does black on white hate crime seem to go unnoticed? Because it MUST BE unnoticed. To many things are at stake if it is brought to light. The President for example would not have been able to say “Look at me! A black man… And now a President…” Jesse Jackson would not be worth millions upon millions of dollars if he would be one of the people in his flock that he holds down with pity for themselves. Al Sharpton, would not be able to call for the lynching of white individuals if not protected by Eric Holder and the DOJ… The Black Panthers would not be able to issue death warrants without the support of the falsely represented poor black community….

It has to be overlooked. It must not come to the light that the reason Holders report says “70% of all hate crimes are against blacks”! However,  the reality, is that 85% of white people (and even other minorities) that had been victims of hate crimes, NEVER RECEIVE JUSTICE from hate crime legislation. It is far to risky for District Attorney’s to face the NAACP and the black community. So white people who have been murdered, hurt, hospitalized, tormented,  and terrorized by members of the Black community, have their own Justice overlooked because of a grander, and falsely more noble, political agenda.

The leaders of the civil rights movement make it clear. If a white person calls foul, they will rally to protect the black person who committed the foul. And the white victim is quickly and quietly deprived of his or her own civil rights….

The Sharptons, Jacksons, Muhammeds, X’s, Wests, NAACP leaders and supporters, The New Black Panther Party… They ALL have one thing in common, and they are damned good at it!

They start fires… then blame someone else… and once the media gets behind them, they rush in to extinguish it.

We will never achieve racial equality, as long as the black community follows the destructive, separatist, malignant, and malevolent messages of their leaders. When ALL of society begins following the message of their hearts, hearts not darkened by false messages, media bias, and the words of race-baiters… then and ONLY then will we witness any semblance of racial harmony. As long as there is a buck to be made off of racism, then it will never go away. These black leaders would NEVER let it go away. They NEED it to stick around. Since 95% of black crime is committed as Black on Black, it’s understandable (although extremely ignorant) that they take their hatred out on us. They already hate each other…

Will the REAL Trayvon, PLEASE stand up, Please Stand up…

Death of a GANGSTA…


It is becoming increasingly clear that George Zimmerman IS the victim in this case. He is a victim of a neighborhood thug, a street corner pharmacist, the NAACP, The Black Panthers, the Mainstream Media, Eric Holder, and Obama’s War Machine on America.

It is OBVIOUSLY clear that Obama is waging a race and class war. Personally, I believe he is attempting to take media attention away from the Supreme Court arguing the Unconstitutionality of the Health Care Law, the Congressional investigation of Fast and Furious, Iran, Syria, and the UN Small Arms Treaty… THIS IS TERRORISM at the HIGHEST LEVEL! That level being the Office of the President.

Under his OWN Executive Orders, the Patriot Act, the NDAA, and many more instances, the New Black Panther Party fits perfectly into the “known terrorists” clauses, and “imminent threats to America” wording. By issuing Death Warrants against American citizens (link here) the NBPP should be identidified by ALL Americans as a DIRECT TERRORIST THREAT that infringes upon DUE PROCESS and attempting to instill fear in non-black Americans. After all, George Zimmerman is being portrayed as a murderous, racist “white” when in fact he is Jewish/Latino WITH BLACK RELATIVES… (click here for more on this)

In fact, several people, including Joe Oliver, George Zimmerman’s Friend, Defends Shooter In Trayvon Martin Case… as reported by the Huffington Post .

SANFORD, Fla., March 25 (Reuters) – George Zimmerman cried for days in remorse after shooting dead a black Florida teenager, a family friend of Zimmerman said on Sunday, offering a sympathetic portrayal of the man at the focal point of a national uproar.

Zimmerman, 28, a white Hispanic, shot Trayvon Martin, 17, in what he said was self defense during an altercation in the gated community Zimmerman was watching on Feb. 26 in Sanford, Florida. After barely going noticed for weeks, the case has since galvanized the country and renewed a national discussion about race.

“He couldn’t stop crying. He’s a caring human being,” Joe Oliver, 53, a former television news reporter and anchor in Orlando who has known Zimmerman for several years, told Reuters in a telephone interview. “I’m a black male and all that I know is that George has never given me any reason whatsoever to believe he has anything against people of color,” Oliver said.  

(Click Here for more on the Huffington Post article)

So I implore Society, PLEASE, Do your research before you jump on this GOVERNMENT SANCTIONED LYNCH MOB!!!


“The media narrative being sold is quite clear, Trayvon Martin is the innocent victim here and George Zimmerman is a horrible bigot who attacked the young man for doing nothing more than buying skittles while being black. Even Barack Obama seems to accept the fresh-faced innocence of Trayvon, stating, “If I had a son, he would look like Trayvon.”

It’s becoming more and more clear however that the innocent appearance the mainstream media is so desperate to apply to Trayvon isn’t at all accurate. The picture we’re used to seeing to represent Trayvon Martin appears to be a far cry from how he actually looked once he was a few years older.”

Click here for more…  (All of this article is credited to Dan Linehan at Waglist

More recent picture

Extended School Suspension

There has been a lot of analysis about the character of George Zimmerman in the media, and surprisingly little about Trayvon Martin.

For instance, a few days before he was killed, Trayvon was suspended from school for ten days.

Still, Trayvon had nonviolent behavioral issues in school, and on the day he was killed, he had been suspended for 10 days from Dr. Michael M. Krop Senior High School in North Miami-Dade. “He was not suspended for something dealing with violence or anything like that. It wasn’t a crime he committed, but he was in an unauthorized area [on school property],” Martin said, declining to offer more details. Before that, Trayvon attended Miami Carol City High School near his mother’s home in Miami Gardens.

There has been very little follow-up in investigating exactly why Trayvon was suspended for such a long period of time for what seems to be the relatively minor offense of “being in an unauthorized area.” In most schools, something like that would be a detention, or one-day, in school suspension at most. Not ten days.

Of course, this is why Trayvon was staying as his Father’s house, so far away from school. And it also explains why George Zimmerman, who by all accounts seemed to stay on top of everything that happened in his neighborhood, didn’t recognize him that evening, Trayvon didn’t really live there, and was only in town because of the suspension.

It seems we may not find out more anytime soon, as a lawyer representing Trayvon’s family has sealed his school records.

Multiple Tattoos

To learn more about Trayvon’s character, we have to look to his friends and family to offer clues. Unfortunately, it seems as if most people who knew him are intent on cleaning up his image, rather than discussing what Trayvon was really like.

Even though Trayvon was only 17, he already was sporting gold teeth, and several large tattoos. This one was on his wrist, apparently of his girlfriend’s mother’s name.

Trayvon Martin Wrist Tattoo

This photo, taken from Tray’s MySpace page, shows another large tattoo that took up most of his upper arm.

Trayvon Martin Arm Tattoo


It seems that Tray was also on Twitter, but his account seems to have been recently deleted by his family or friends.

His screen name was “@NO_LIMIT_NIGGA, as you can see from the twitpic account screenshot above. He was also a member of a twitter hash group #team4dat.

At first, I was skeptical that anyone would maintain an account with that sort of derogatory slur in the title, but after doing some research, it’s apparent that it was Trayvon’s account.

The account was in existence long before the shooting occurred a few weeks ago, and was deleted only recently, there are still dozens of references to @NO_LIMIT_NIGGA in google’s cache.

The associated twitpic account matches the account name and is still online at the time of publication. Most of the pics were uploaded months ago, so this account was associated with Trayvon long before the shooting took place.

Several of Tray’s friends have been very open about referring to Trayvon using that account as well. His cousin, who is quite active on Twitter, refers to Trayvon more than a dozen times using the @NO_LIMIT_NIGGA nickname.

Violence & Gang Activity

There seem to be several allusions to violence on Tray’s Twitter account.

His friends posted supportive messages using it as well, about how happy they were that Trayvon whooped Zimmerman’s ass before he died.


Violence one

Another post makes reference to Trayvon having “swung on a bus driver” a few days before he died.

Did that have something to do with his ten-day suspension?

Bus driver violence

On Trayvon’s MySpace page, at least one of his top friends, Romario305, is featured making a gang sign towards the camera in his default profile picture.

Gang signs

Almost all of this is in stark contrast to the media’s central narrative that Trayvon was a normal, happy, well-adjusted teenager.

Instead of that, we are seeing long suspensions from school, tattoos, racially-charged epitaphs, and violence.

Drug Culture

Several of his friends have posted pictures of rolled blunts to twitter in memorial to Trayvon.

In memory of Trayvon

There is also fairly direct evidence that Trayvon may have been a small-time drug-dealer.

On Facebook on February 5th, his friend posts on his wall asking to talk business. Trayvon says he doesn’t have a phone available and his friend says, “Damn were u at a nigga needa plant.”

Trayvon plants

That Facebook url should still work, if anyone is intrepid enough to check it out.

Unless Trayvon was selling Orchids, it seems fairly reasonable to posit that he may have been somewhat well-known among his friends for selling marijuana.


Hopefully this info paints a somewhat different picture of Trayvon than the one the media has been forcing down our throats for the last several weeks.

This is a complex case, and while all the facts are not in yet, we do know that Zimmerman was well within his rights to make verbal contact with someone he didn’t know or recognize in his neighborhood.

In fact, that’s exactly what Neighborhood Watch groups are for, to be the “eyes and ears” of the community. It appears that Zimmerman was very good at this job.

No matter how offended someone might be to have a stranger come up and ask what they are doing there, it doesn’t give anyone a license to commit assault.

From what I can tell, Zimmerman was doing a routine neighborhood watch, called in someone he considered suspicious, and was maintaining a visual on him until the police came.

Then he was attacked, had his nose broken and was in a prone position while crying out for help.

Zimmerman was pinned to the ground, according to a witness, and was still being beaten by someone much younger than him.

Many people are reading a lot into the weight difference between Martin and Zimmerman, but Zimmerman was also 5’9 and out of shape. I’m pretty sure many tubby thirty-year-olds wouldn’t do well against a fit, 6’3, 17-year-old.

This is a textbook self-defense case, and I’d urge anyone reading to look at the full set of facts before drawing conclusions.

Race Baiting Demagogues Amok Over Trayvon Martin Shooting


With a name like George Zimmerman, the leftwing race-baiters thought for sure they had themselves a bona fide, knuckle-draggin’, toothless, KKK member who just got his sheets out of the cleaners. Turns out, this is George Zimmerman:

His father is white, his mother is Latina, and he has black relatives.

That sound you hear is the bubble bursting on the Left’s wet dream.


Race Baiting Demagogues Amok Over Trayvon Martin Shooting.